Many church records and legal documents include Latin terms that are not used in our everyday speech. In some cases these Latin terms require the help of a Latin scholar, but in many cases a quick translation will at least help us to understand what the record is telling us.
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter A
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter B
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter C
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter D
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter E
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter F
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter G
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter H
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter I
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter J
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter K
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter L
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter M
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter N
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter O
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter P
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter Q
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter R
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter S
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter T
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter U
- Latin Terms beginning with the letter V