Reign of Terror in Giles County

Ike Hare, Bill Fanning and a Man Named Waldron Terrorize the Village of Narrows.

Ladies on Train Forced to Seek Shelter in Neighboring Houses.

A few days ago, we are told, the village of Narrows, on the Radford division, was the scene of a shooting affray which, as an exhibition of depravity and reckless disregard for the lives and rights of others, has seldom, if ever, been equaled in Giles county. That no one was killed can only be attributed to the rare good fortune, for the desperadoes engaged in the riot demonstrated their willingness to take human life in the most brutal and criminal manner.

Ike Hare, Bill Fanning, a man named Waldron, and possibly some others, intoxicated, commenced the trouble by interfering with the running or the Wolf Creek train. Several passengers were in the car, some of them ladies, who were terrorized and intimidated, and forced to take shelter in the neighborhood houses. The windows were all shot out of the carriages and several shots were fired through the doors and windows of houses and a reign of terror generally inaugurated.

The Bill Fanning noted as taking part in the trouble at Narrows is not Officer Bill Fanning of Coopers.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph, 7 and 8 August 1902

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