Another Accident.

(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

Pearisburg, Va., July 25. – While attending a circus here Saturday, W. H. Thomas, a prominent merchant and farmer, was shot with a pistol by Ace Kelly. Mr. Thomas, with his wife, family and a number of lady friends, was near the ticket wagon when Frank Lucas, who was drunk, became profane and abusive, and on being requested by Thomas to desist became more profane, and he and Thomas were drawn into a difficulty, when Kelly interfered, and, being struck by Thomas, drew his pistol and shot three shots, one ball entering Thomas’s left breast and one entering the thigh of William Davis, a prominent citizen of this county.

Thomas is thought to be in a dangerous condition, Davis is not so bad. Lucas was fined for a misdemeanor and Kelly is in jail awaiting trial.

The Times Dispatch, Richmond, Va., 26 July 1904.

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