Excitement in Giles

Alleged Criminal Assault – No Fears of Lynching.

Roanoke, Va., October 26. – (Special)

The vicinity of Newport and Interior, in Giles county, is greatly excited over an alleged attempt made by Minor Smith to assault criminally Miss Maude Williams, a highly-respected young lady, and a daughter of James B. Williams. The story, as it reaches here, is as follows: Smith and the young lady were in attendance at a dance at Interior, the terminus of the short line of railroad running out from Narrows. Miss Williams was induced by Smith to take a walk with him, and the matter being called to the attention of five young men, who knew something of Smith’s reputation, they volunteered to follow him. When they came in sight of the two they saw a desperate struggle between them, the young woman fighting like an enraged tigress, until she sank to the ground, completely exhausted, and her cries were stifled. Just at this time one of the men fired a gun, and Smith fled. This happened two or three days ago, and on Wednesday Smith was arrested and jailed at Pearisburg. Miss Williams, the intended victim, is from one of the best families in Giles county, and her character is said to be above reproach. Smith is a son of J. M. Smith, known as “Bacon” Smith.


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