New York Oaths of Allegiance, Brooklyn, Kings Co., 1687

off Breucklijn

The Roll off those who have taken the Oath off Allegiance in the Kings County in the Province of New Yorke the 26: 27: 28: 28: and 30th day off September in the third yeare of His Maytsh Raigne Annoque Domine 1687.

Thomas Lamberse 36 Jeare
Jooris hanssen native
hendrick Vechten 27 Jeare
Claes arense Vechten 27 Jeare
Jan Aertsen 26 Jeare
hendrick Claaesen 33 Jeare
Jacob hanssen bergen native
Jooris Martens native
hendrick thyssen 21 Jeare
Mauritius Couverts native
Willem huijcken 21 Jeare
theunis gysbertse bogaert 35 Jeare
Willem bennitt native
hendrick Lamberse native
Jan ffredricks 35 Jeare
Jan Couverts native
Luijcas Couverts 24 Jeare
ffrans Abramse native
gerrit aerts middag native
Simon Aertsen 23 Jeare
Matthys Cornelisen 24 yeare
Ephraim hendricks 33 yeare
Claes thomas Van dyck native
Jeronimus d’Rapale native
Jeronimus Remsen native
Casper Janssen native
Achias Janse Vandijck 36 yeare
Jacob Joorissen native
Jacobus d’beauvois 28 Jeare
harmen Joorissen native
Jacob Willemse bennit native
Jacob brouwer native
bourgon broulaet 12 Jeare
Jan Damen 37 Jeare
Cornelis Subrink native
hendrick Sleght 35 Jeare
Juriaen Vanderbreets native
Pieter Staats native
Abram Remsen native
Michael hanssen native
theunis tobiassen native
Pieter Corsen native
theunis Janse Couverts 36 Jeare
Aert Simonssen native
Adam brouwer Jr. native
Alexander Schaers native
Willem Pos native
Jan gerrise dorland 35 Jeare
Johannis Casperse 35 Jeare
Claes barentse blom native
Pieter brouwer native
Abram brouwer native
Jan bennit native
barent Sleght native
Jacobus Vande Water 29 Jeare
benjamin Vande Water native
Pieter Wiejnants native
joost ffranssen 33 Jeare
hendrick aaten native
Jan Janse Staats native
Claes Simons native
Anthonij Sousa 5 Jeare
Joost Casperse 35 Jeare
thijs Lubberse 50 Jeare
Paulus dirckse 36 Jeare
Adam brouwer 45 Jeare
Josias Dreths 26 Jeare
Pieter Van Nesten 40 Jeare
Jan theunisen native
Dirck Janse Woertman 40 Jeare
Daniel d’Rapale native
gijsbert boomgaert native
Volkert Vanderbrats native
Jan buijs 39 Jeare
gerrit Dorlant native
Adriaen bennit native
Thomas Verdon native
Pieter janse Staats native

O’Callaghan, E. B., The Documentary History of the State of New York, Vol. 1, (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., Public Printers, 1850) pp. 429-432.

More information about colonial New York can be found in the books:

Merchants & Empire: Trading in Colonial New York
Dutch & English on the Hudson: A Chronicle of Colonial New York
Dutch Emigration To North America, 1624-1860
The Dutch Gentry, 1500-1650

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