Walter J. Cochran – Casualty Questionnaire


Casualty Questionnaire

1. Your name Cochran, Walter J. Rank T/Sgt Serial No. 13068475

2. Organization 305 B Gp, 365 B Sqn Gp Commander … Rank … Sqn CO Col Crank Rank Col

3. What year 1944 month Oct day 7 did you go down?

4. What was the mission Ruland, target Airfield, target time 1230, altitude 24000 route scheduled …, route flown …

5. Where were you when you left formation? Deputy lead at low Gp Sqn

6. Did you bail out? No

7. Did other members of the crew bail out? One

8. Tell all you know about when, where, how each person in your aircraft for whom no individual questionnaire is attached bailed out. A crew list is attached. Please give facts. If you don’t know, say: “No Knowledge”.

9. Where did your aircraft strike the ground? Near Munster, in pieces

10. What members of your crew were in the aircraft when it struck the ground? (Should cross check with 8 above and individual questionnaries) The aircraft exploded at 11,000 feet so is hard to say who was blown out or not

11. Where were they in the aircraft?

12. What was their condition?

13. When, where, and in what condition did you last see any members not already described above?

14. Please give any similar information on personnel of any other crew which you have knowledge. Indicate source of information …

(Any additional information may be written on the back).


Missing Air Crew Report Number 9355, National Archives, College Park, MD.

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