Shoots an Old Man in Bed and Also His Daughter.
Is Captured By Posse.
(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)
Bluefield, W. Va., April 25. – Morris Cremeans, ex-convict and desperado, who finished a penitentiary sentence about a month ago, is again in trouble. Last night he went to the home of an aged man, named Kidd, near Lurich, and asked him if he could stay all night. The man told him that he could not. This enraged Cremeans and he went around to the back of the house where he could get a good aim and shot the old man who was in bed, fatally wounding him in the back and hip. He then shot at Kidd’s daughter, the ball taking effect in her foot. The weapon used by Cremeans was a double barreled shotgun.
Cremeans fled and was captured in the mountains this morning by a posse composed of officers with Winchester rifles. He was taken by Officers Newkirk, Reynolds, Harman and Houchins, of Bluefield, and lodged in Pearisburg jail, in Giles county, where the crime was committed.
He caught sight of two officers and while watching them with a cocked gun in his hand, walked right up to the balance of the part, who had the drop on him and made him throw down his gun. Cremeans is a desperate character, having figured in a number of crimes, and was a partner of Vint Schreder, a desperado, who is now in the penitentiary. Cremeans has also served a term in the penitentiary at Richmond.
The Times Dispatch (Richmond, Va.), 26 April 1905.