Resolved, That such officers as are now in service, and shall continue therein to the end of the war, shall be entitled to receive the amount of five years’ full pay in money, or securities on interest at six per cent. per annum, as Congress shall find most convenient, instead of the half pay promised for life, by the resolution of the 21 day of October, 1780; the said securities to be such as shall be given to other creditors of the United States, provided that it be at the option of the lines of the respective states, and not of officers individually in those lines, to accept or refuse the same; and provided also, that their election shall be signified to Congress through the Commander in Chief, from the lines under his immediate command, within two months, and through the commanding officer of the southern army, from those under his command, within three six months from the date of this resolution:
That the same commutation shall extend to the corps not belonging to the lines of particular states, [and who are entitled to half pay for life as aforesaid]; the acceptance or refusal to be determined by corps, and to be signified in the same manner, and within the same time as above mentioned: