Warrant for the denization of the following French Protestants:
13 March 1693
Alexander Sion, clerk
Peter Lalüe, clerk
Isaac Odry, clerk
Peter Hamelot, clerk
Abel Ligonier, clerk
John Gohier, clerk
James Gohier
Peter Ducros
John Buschman
John Beckman
Lucas Yosnony
John Wesell
Henry Sperling
William Barlemeyer
John Gaspard Meyer
Hugh Marmion
Michael Garnaut
Peter Garnaut
Lewis Pointou
Stephen Toulouse
Peter de l’Isle
John Braguier
Henry Justel
Peter Daniel and Peter his son
Peter St. Julien de Malecare
Peter and Lewis his children
David Sabatier
Peter John Daves
Peter Verdetty and Theodore his son
Samuel Mar
John Luquet
Peter Brochard and Mary his wife
James Davy and Dorothea his wife
John Richer
Anthony le Mercier
Peter Angel
John Theron
Peter John David
Henry Houser
Francis Grimpret
Michael de Neuville
Daniel Helot
Gabriel Cosson
Abraham Desmarets
John Treville
Isaac Sausselle
Peter de la Touche, Martha his wife, and Peter, James and Mark, their children
John Mariette
John Rapillart
Isaac Cousin
Henry Baignoux
John Robethon
Abraham Kemp
Daniel Duchemin
Philipe Bouquet
John Alexander Faure
David Lardeau, Jane his wife, and David and Anna, their children
Stephen Thibault and Esther his wife
Peter Pashtureau and Jane his wife
John Labbe and Elizabeth his wife
Samuel Binaud
Stephen Rouleau and Mary his wife
Francis Basset, Mary Magdalen his wife, and Suzanna Magdalen and Susanna, their daughters
John Mani
John Pages
Benjamin Godfroy
Andrew Jolin
Claude Fonnereau
Lewis Faure
John le Sage
Daniel Audait
John Anthony Roche
Henry Roche
Ricahrd Moyne
John Tadourneau
Susanna Basset
Christian Bauer
Nicholas de Wael
Peter Roux
John Chadaigne
Henry Jourdan
Adrian Brievinck
William Beste
John Valleau
Vincent de Laimerie
John Audebert, Elizabeth his wife, and John, Philip and Moses, their children
Daniel Fougherson and John, his son
Peter la Brosse
Andrew Denis
Samuel de Roseau
Gerard Bovey
Nicholas Wilkens
Cornelius Van Deure
Peter Brun
John Dubrois
Abraham Dupont
David Knigge
William Moyon
Isaiah Valleau
Nicholas Fallet
Thomas Fallet
George Nicholas Dobertin
Austin Borneman
Abraham Texier
Nicholas Moyne
John Papin
Daniel Marchezather de Belleveue
Matthew Chottard, and Paul and Gabriel his children
Josias Caillon, and Josias and John his children
James Thomeur
John Thomeur
Peter Thomeur Duport
Elias Arnaud, and John and Elias his children
Jeremiah Marion
Ambroses Godfrey Hantkwitz
Jacob Giles Zinck
John Motteux
John Anthony, and Timothy, Peter, Judith, Catherina, and Martha Mary, his children
Isaac Charier
Peter Chabot
Denis Cavallier
Peter Maurice
Daniel Cadroy
Moses Jaqueau
Mary Ann Pryor
Peter Fermend
David de la Maziere
Esther Sandham
Isaac de la Haye
Hardy, William John, ed., Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of William and Mary, 1693, Preserved in the Public Record Office, Volume 4, (Vaduz: Kraus Reprint Ltd., 1969) First Published London: HMSO, 1903. pp. 63-64.
More information about Huguenots in England can be found in the book:
The Huguenots in England: Immigration and Settlement, C. 1550-1700