Passengers sailing from Pensacola, Florida Bound for Port of Algiers and Tunis, North Africa
29 August 1945
Henri Mercier, master
All were in the French Navy, all French citizens and of French race, all could read and write, all listed their future permanent residence as France.
Name | Age | P.O.B. | Residence | Arrival USA | Port | Status |
Jean Polfrit | 27 | France | French Morocco | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Married |
Bernard Deaubliaux | 27 | France | French Morocco | 5/17/1944 | New York | Married |
Gerard Louis Lassalle | 20 | France | French Morocco | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Single |
Rene Charles Bresson | 20 | Spain | French Morocco | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Single |
Pierre Francois Baichere | 20 | Algeria | Algeria | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Single |
Pierre Marinie | 20 | France | French Morocco | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Single |
Alain Le Bras | 23 | France | French Morocco | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Single |
Paul Leporati | 24 | France | Algeria | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Single |
Yves Augry | 23 | France | France | 2/23/1945 | New York | Single |
Guy Trenquier | 27 | France | Algeria | 6/10/1945 | Norfolk | Married |
Henry Troneur | 37 | France | France | 2/23/1945 | New York | Married |
Roger Savart | 22 | France | France | 4/13/1945 | New York | Married |
Alain Mevel | 36 | France | France | 2/23/1945 | New York | Single |
Anselme Simeone | 22 | France | French Morocco | 2/22/1945 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Single |
Gerard Bequet | 22 | France | Algeria | 3/25/1945 | Norfolk | Single |
Leon Comte | 19 | France | Algeria | 5/16/1945 | New York | Single |
Vincent Parisi | 27 | France | Algeria | 3/20/1945 | New York | Single |
Alain Barbeoch | 29 | France | France | 2/23/1945 | New York | Single |
Jean Damielo | 28 | France | Algeria | 3/2/1944 | Boston | Single |
Eugene Amiel | 33 | France | Algeria | 4/17/1944 | Newport News, Norfolk, Va. | Married |
Louis Chenu | 21 | France | France | 12/12/1944 | New York | Single |
Roger Lacaze Labarrere | 25 | France | France | 4/12/1945 | New York | Single |
Corentin Drogou | 30 | France | France | 3/2/1945 | New York | Married |
Christian Boudinot | 22 | France | France | 2/23/1945 | New York | Single |
More information about the French Navy can be found in the books:
The Cyrano Fleet: France and Its Navy, 1940-42
The French Navy in Indochina: Riverine and Coastal Forces, 1945-54