Names of the Inhabitants of the Township of Guilford, 1772
David Field, a wife and 9 children
Silah Barnard, a wife and 5 children
Thomas Cutler, a wife and 1 child
Asa Rice, a wife and 7 children
Francis Rice, a wife and 6 children
Peter Rice, a wife and 4 children
Silas Cutler, a wife and 11 children
Jotham Biglo, a wife and 9 children
Alijah Rice, a wife and 4 children
Abiah Rogers, a wife and 3 children
Daniel Grew, a wife and 7 children
Hezekiah Howell, a wife and 11 children
Shubeld Bullock, a wife and 3 children
Joel Biglo, a wife and 2 children
Micl Rice, a wife and 1 children
Nathl Carpenter, a wife and 8 children
Daniel Boyden, a wife and 6 children
Joel Cutter, no wife and 7 children
Samuel Mellendy, a wife and 6 children
Jedediah Woods, a wife and 9 children
Moses Bixby, no wife and 6 children
James Cutlar, a wife and 5 children
Edward Bennitt, a wife and 3 children
Gersham Rice, a wife and 7 children
Enoch Stowell, a wife and 5 children
William Nicholls, a wife and 8 children
Ebenezer Goodenough, a wife and 5 children
David Stowell, a wife and 4 children
David Goodenough, a wife and 1 children
Samuel Nicholls, a wife and 5 children
Paul Chase, a wife and 2 children
William Biglo, a wife and 3 children
Nathl Smith, a wife and 5 children
John Barney, a wife and 4 children
Edward Barney, a wife and 1 children
Levi Goodenough, a wife and 4 children
Ithamer Goodenough, a wife and 6 children
Jonathan Hunt, no wife or child
Seth Dwight, no wife or child
Samuel Field, no wife or child
William Morris, no wife or child
Matthew Clesson, no wife or child
Ebenezer Barnard, no wife or child
Joseph Barnard, no wife or child
Obadiah Dickenson, no wife or child
Samuel Barnard Jr., no wife or child
Charles Coates, no wife or child
James Morris, no wife or child
Samuel Partridge, no wife or child
David Wells, no wife or child
Aaron Scott, no wife or child
John Allen Jr., no wife or child
Richard Crouch, no wife or child
John Chaddick, no wife or child
James Boyd, no wife or child
Elijah Williams, no wife or child
Eleazer Hawker, no wife or child
John Curtis, no wife or child
John Chaddick Jr., no wife or child
Nathl Willard, no wife or child
Benj Green, a wife and 5 children
Nathl Green, no wife or child
Timothy Paine, a wife and 2 children
Benj Edgar, no wife or child
Peter Green, a wife and 3 children
Samll Williams, a wife and 4 children
John Curtis, a wife and 6 children
Ebenezer Curtis, a wife and 7 children
George Price, no wife or child
Thos Woolsley, no wife or child
John Camps, a wife and 8 children
Wm Larkin, a wife and 6 children
Joseph Jackson, a wife and 5 children
David Ayers, a wife and 9 children
David Ayers Jr., no wife or child
Jonathan Penney, no wife or child
John Shepardson, a wife and 11 children
Zephaniah Shepardson, a wife and 4 children
Benja Carpenter, a wife and 5 children
Benja Preston, a wife and 4 children
Daniel Whitaker, a wife and 6 children
Caleb Cole, a wife and 3 children
John Tifft, no wife or child
Daniel Lynds, a wife and 4 children
Joshua Nurs, a wife and 2 children
William White, a wife and 5 children
Zacheus Farnsworth, a wife and 7 children
Giles Hubbert, a wife and 3 children
Jedediah Woods, a wife and 7 children
Barnabas Russel, a wife and 2 children
Oliver Wilson, no wife or child
Benoni Smith, a wife and 7 children
Josiah Scott, a wife and 2 children
Henry Hicks, a wife and 1 child
Abel Tory, a wife and 2 children
Amos Whiting, a wife and 5 children
Ephraim Whiting, a wife and 3 children
Saml Bennit, a wife and 1 child
David Weeks, a wife and 3 children
Seth Whitaker, a wife and 5 children
John Gaits, a wife and 3 children
Samuel Melody, a wife and 9 children
Willm Ramsdail, a wife and 2 children
Wm Bullock, no wife or child
Merodock Zelladen Smith and 9 children
Josiah Allen, a wife and 6 children
James King, a wife and 5 children
Aquilla Cleveland, a wife and 4 children
Saml Allen, a wife and 3 children
David Joy Esq., a wife and 6 children
James Dennis, a wife and 3 children
Menassa Bigsby, a wife and 2 children
Jasper Partrige, a wife and 1 child
O’Callaghan, E. B., The Documentary History of the State of New York, Vol. 4, (Albany: Charles Van Benthuysen, Public Printer, 1851) p. 477.