Notable Ancestors, Surnames beginning with the letter Y

If any of these names appear on your family tree as a direct ancestor, you may be eligible to join the society listed after their name. This list is not exhaustive and is suggested as a starting place, you may be eligible for membership in more than one society based on descent from a single ancestor, and there are many more societies not listed here.

Thomas Yale – Founders of the New Haven Colony 
George Yeardley – Jamestowne Society 
Sir George Yeardley – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
Richard Yonge – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
Thomas Yowell – Jamestowne Society

One Response to Notable Ancestors, Surnames beginning with the letter Y

  1. Gary McClure says:

    I would like information on Sir George Yeardley – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters

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