Notable Ancestors, Surnames beginning with the letter F

If any of these names appear on your family tree as a direct ancestor, you may be eligible to join the society listed after their name. This list is not exhaustive and is suggested as a starting place, you may be eligible for membership in more than one society based on descent from a single ancestor, and there are many more societies not listed here.

Margery Fairfax – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
William Fairefax – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
Thomas Farley – Jamestowne Society 
Thomas Farmer – Jamestowne Society 
Thomas Farmer – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
Cecily Jordan Farrar – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
William Farrar – Jamestowne Society 
Moore Fauntleroy – Jamestowne Society 
Jane Fenwick – Jamestowne Society 
Judith Field – Jamestowne Society 
Peter Field – Jamestowne Society 
Henry Filmer – Jamestowne Society 
Robert Fisher – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
John Fitzrobert – Lord of Warkworth Castle, Northumberland d. 1240. The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons 
Robert Fitzwalter – Lord of Dunmow Castle, Essexshire d. 1234. The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons 
Henry Fleete – Jamestowne Society 
Moses Fletcher – The Society of Mayflower Descendants 
Mary Beheathland Flint – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
Farrar Flinton – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
Joanne Flinton – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
John Flood – Jamestowne Society 
John Flood – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters 
Timothy Ford – Founders of the New Haven Colony 
Thomas Forrest – Jamestowne Society 
William De Fortibus – Earl of Albemarle d. 1241. The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons 
John Fowler – Jamestowne Society 
Bridges Freeman – Jamestowne Society 
Thomas Fugill – Founders of the New Haven Colony 
Edward Fuller – The Society of Mayflower Descendants 
Elizabeth Fuller – Jamestowne Society 
Samuel Fuller – The Society of Mayflower Descendants

One Response to Notable Ancestors, Surnames beginning with the letter F

  1. Leslie Ford says:

    My ancestor listed in our family bible as Timothy Ford, New Haven Colony, 1640. His name is on the corner lot of the arm that comes off of the original grid. I am not finding how he came to New Haven or what ship he arrived on. He was married to Elizabeth\Liza Gordy. I found two sons, John and Matthew. I believe my research is showing Matthew as my descending link. Any ideas? Thank you

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