If any of these names appear on your family tree as a direct ancestor, you may be eligible to join the society listed after their name. This list is not exhaustive and is suggested as a starting place, you may be eligible for membership in more than one society based on descent from a single ancestor, and there are many more societies not listed here.
William D’Albini, Lord of Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire d. 1236. – The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
John Alden – The Society of Mayflower Descendants
Isaac Allerton – The Society of Mayflower Descendants
Isaac Allerton, II – Jamestowne Society
Giles Allington – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
William Andrews – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
William Andrews – Founders of the New Haven Colony
Henry Applewhaite, II – Jamestowne Society
Anthony Armistead – Jamestowne Society
William Askew – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Walter Aston – Jamestowne Society