The Lyon, 1694

A list of the men aboard of the Lyon, Captain Edward Burd, commander, both officers and seamen, taken up the Sixteen day of April, 1694, by Robert Faa, present baillie of Dumbar, conform to ane act of the Lords of ther Majesties’ Thesaurarie dated the fifth day of April instant.

Ltn., Ninian Hendersone
Ltn., James Carron
Master, James Cuthbertsone
Mate, James Pinkerton
Doctor, George Maccallo
Bosson, George Pedden
Gunner, James Aitchisone
Carpenter, James Douglass
Coock, Robert Hay
Midshipman and Coockson, John Auchterlony
Midshipman, James Littlejohn
Qwarteer, William Main
Qwarteer, David Drysdaill
Qwarteer, William Blaikie
Qwarteer, Allexander Hendersone
Bosson’s mate, John Boustoun
Gunner’s mate, James Coutrie
Carpenter’s mate, William Douglass
Cook’s mate, James Davidsone
Couper and Stewart, John Aitkin
Couper’s mate, Andrew Broun


William Byter
Robert Irvin
John Miller
James Bell
James Black
George Beell
William Strang
John Ross
Charles Gowans
William Grahame
Thomas Andersone
William Mathisone
John Fairbairne
George Liddell
James Symonton
Thomas Andersone, younger
John Robertsone
James Robertsone
George Mill
John Low
Mark Pedden
Thomas Whyt
William Thomsone

John Cuthbertsone
John Legget
Robert Mitchell
James Maccallo

A list of the souldiers aboard the Lyon, commanded by Captain Edward Burd, the 16 Aprill, 1694.

George Winrame

Allexander McWatti
Casper Frans

John Gourli
James Hutchison

William Hartt

Colonel’s Company
John Stuwartt
Abram Woodman

Levtenent-Colonel’s Company
Robert Willson
John Ward
John Cummin
David McCleur

Major’s Company
Andrew Maine
Wallter Stuwart
John Jamison

Captain Reid’s Company
Robert Marnei
John Bell

Captain Dalem’s Company
John Smith
Patrick Thorinton
James Pattierove
Allexander Shillds

Captain Orok’s Company
James Watt
John Bell
Thomas Glen
Allexander Shepherd

Captain Dumbar’s Company
William Coutts
John Grube
John Castells

Captain Hamillton’s Company
Huwgh Grantt
John Ogillvie
James Moor
William Salmond

Captain Baillis’ Company
Adam Carre
John Vepper
Andrew Pitthie

Captain Weir’s Company
James Waston
James Gray
Hewgh Tennoch

Captain Stuwart’s Company
Samuell McMillen
Hendry Gillcrist
James Aittkin

Captain Johnston’s Company
Hendry McGee
William Gormell
James Scrogi

Grant, James, ed., The Old Scots Navy from 1689 to 1710 (London: Navy Records Society, 1914), pp. 181-184.

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