Address of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York to Governor Lord Cornbury.
“We do heartily congratulate your Lordship’s safe arrival, and we cannot entertain too grateful a sense of H.M. Royal favour to us in making so excellent and prudent a choice in sending your Lordship (a person of so great and noble birth, skillfull in the art of warr, and acquainted with the English Laws and Government) to heal our divisions and secure us from the danger of the enemy abroad etc.”
Thomas Noell, Mayor
Abraham Gouvenour, Recorder
J. D’Peyster
Brandt Schuyler
Jacob Boelem
Martin Cloch
Philip French
Robert Lurting
J. Johnson
Abraham Mezier
Abraham Brassier
Robert White
Headlam, Cecil, ed., Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series (Volume 20), America and West Indies, Jan.-Dec. 1, 1702, Preserved in the Public Record Office (Vaduz: Kraus Reprint Ltd., 1964) First Published London: HMSO, 1912. pp. 615-624.