A List of Ye Inhabitants of Ye Towne of Southampton Old and Yong Christians and Hethen ffreemen and Servants White and Black Anno 1698
William Jennings
Samuell Jennings
Benjn Haines
Benjn Haines Jr.
John Haines
James Haines Jr.
Thomas Shaw
David Frances
Frances Shaw
John Shaw
Samuell Clark
Samuell Clark Jr.
Elish Clark
Eliphelett Clark
Jerhamiah Scott
John Scott
George Haris
George Haris Jr.
Joseph Smith
Will Smith
Thomas Smith
Abiell Davis
Balhariah Davis
John Davis Jr.
Eldad Davis
John Davis
Thomas Lupton
Joseph Lupton
Richard minthorn
Jeremian Jager
Jeremiah Jager Jr.
John jager Jr.
John Erle
Devid Erle
Samuell Cooper
James white
Ichabod Cooper
Peeter White
James Cooper
James Cooper Jr.
John Cooper
Nathan Cooper
Abraham Cooper
John Reeves
John Reeves Jr.
Thomas Reeves
Gershum Culver
Jerimiah Culver
David Culver
Jonathan Culver
Moses Culver
Nathum Culver
John Bishope Jr.
Joseph Poastt
Richard Poast
Thomas Sayre
Will ffoster
Charles Topping
ffrancis Sayre
Iachabod Sayre
Caleb Sayre
Caleb Gilbord
Daniell Sayre
Ephraim Sayre
Nathan Sayre
John Bishop
Samuell Bishope
Josiah Bishope
John Bishope
Joshew Barns
Samuell Barns
Robert Wooly
John Wooly
Wooly Joseph
Isaac Bower
Jonah Bower
David Bower
Daniell Bower
John foster
John foster Jr.
David ffoster
Jonathan foster
John ffoster Terts
Jermiah foster
Joseph Hildrith
Joseph Hildrith Jr.
nathan Hildrith
Isaak Hildrith
Ephraim Hildrith
Daniell Hildrith
Jonathan Hildrith
John Woodrufe
Samll Woodrufe
Joseph woodrufe
Benjn woodrufe
nathanl wodrufe
Jonathan woodrufe
Isaac woodrufe
John Burnat
Samuel Butler
Gidian Butler
nathaniell Butler
Obedia Roggers
obadiah Johnson
Ensn Joseph Peirson
Henry Peirson
Joseph Peirson
Ephraim Peirson
Samll Peirson
Thomas Parvine
Thomas Parvine Jr.
Lift Thomas Steephens
Issacl Willman
James Willman
Daniell Davis
Will Hericke
Will Hericke Jr.
John Herick
Thomas Hericke
Robert Patin
Ephraim Topping
Thomas Toping
Thomas Toping
Mr. William Barker Esq.
Mr. John Wick
Job Wick
Arther Davis
John Carwith
Joseph Howell
Zebulon Howell
Joseph Howell Jr.
James Howell
John ware
Jacob ware
John Ware Jr.
John Jessup
Isaac Jessup
Jer. Jessup
Henry Jessup
Thomas Jessup
Mr. Edward Howell
Samuell Howell
Jonah Howell
Edward Howell Jr.
Benjn Howell
Tho. Howell
Joseph foster
Christopher ffoster
Joseph foster
Daniell ffoster
nathan ffoster
John Howell
Manassa Kompton
Richard Howell
Richard Howell Jr.
Hezeckia Howell
Edward Howell
obadia Howell
Chris. Howell
Joseph Goodale
Will goodale
Benjn marshall
Jonathan Rayner
Jonathan Rayner Jr.
Richard Wood
Isaac Halsey
Ephraim halsey
Nathaniell Howell
nehemiah Howell
Henry Howell
Ensn Joseph ffordham
Joseph ffordham Jr.
Mr. Joseph Whitin
Samuell Whitin
Joseph Whitin Jr.
Benjn whitin
Will Blyeth
Benjn Hildrith
Job Sayre
Benjn Sayre
John Maltby
Ephrm whit
Stephen white
Charles white
Isaac Halsey
Isaac Halsey Jr.
Isaac Halsey Ters
Joshua Halsey
Thomas Halsey
Samuell Halsey
Samell Johnes
Samuell Johnes Jr.
nathan howell
Israell Howell
Ezekiel Howell
John Jager
John Jager Jr.
Samuell Jager
Jonathan Jager
Benjn Jager
Josiah Howell
Daniell Howell
Timoth. Hileyrd
Thomas Hongson
John Mowbry
Anning Mowbry
Samuell Clark
Jermiah Clark
Charles Clark
Will Clark
Richard Rounesfield
Richard Rounesfield
David Howell
John Rayne
Ephraim Howell
Ephraim Howell
Samuell Howell
Isaac Rayner
Daniell Halsey
Richard Halsey
Daniell Halsey Jr.
Lift abraham Howell
Abraham Howell
Charles Howell
Philip Howell
Ebenezer Howell
John Sayre
John Sayre
Thomas Sayre
Lott Burnot
Joseph Burnott
David Burnott
nathan Burnott
Jonathan Burnott
Samiel Burnot
Isaac Burnott
Thomas ffoster
Benjn ffoster
David ffoster
Jonathan ffoster
Isaac ffoster
nathanel Hasey
Jonathan Howell
Jonathan Howell Jr.
Isaa Howell
David Howell
Josiah Halsey
Josiah Halsey Jr.
Jonathan Halsey
Benjn ffoster Jr.
Henry Ludlom
Will Ludlom
Henry ludlom Jr.
Jeremiah ludlom
Aibiell Cook
Abiell Cook Jr.
Josiah Cook
Thomas Rose
Israell Rose
Humphrey Huse
John Parker
abner Huse
John masen
Jedadia Huse
James ffoster
John Huse
David Halsey
abraham Halsey
David Rose
James Rose
David Rose Jr.
Anthony ludlom
James Herick
Aron Burnot
Aaron Burnot Jr.
moses Burnat
Jonah Rogers
Jonah Rogers
James Haines
Samuell Haines
Ellis Cook
Charles fordham
John Cook
John Cook Jr.
Ellias Cook
obadia Cook
Ellijah Cook
Ensn John lupton
Christopher Lupton
Benj Lupton
Samuell Loome
mathew Loome
Samuell Loome
Isaac Mills
Isaac mills Jr.
Thomas Cooper
Thomas Cooper Jr.
Jonathan miles
Ricahrd Cooper
Joseph more
Joseph more
Benjn more
Elisha Howell
Lemuell Howell
martine Rose
Jacob Wood
Lenard Hasy
William Tarbill
Will Tarbill Jr.
John michill
John michill Jr.
Jermiah Halsey
Jere. Halsey Jr.
Benony nutton
Benjn nuton
Isaac nuton
Jonathan nuton
John nuton
James Hildrith
James Hildrith Jr.
Joshua Hildrith
Ezekill Sanford
Ezekill Sanford Jr.
Thomas Sanford
Samuell Barbur
Jonathan Strickling
nathaniell Resco Jr.
Josiah hand
natha. Resco
Amij Resco
Peregrin Stanbrough
James Stanbrough
Doct nath. Wade
Simon wade
Alexander Wilmot
Joseph Wickham
Joseph Wickham Jr.
Thomas Diamond
Capt. Elnathan Topping
Stephen Tobping
Sillvanus Topping
Edward Petty
Ellnathan Petty
Edward Pety Jr.
Josiah Topping
Josiah Topping Jr.
Hezekia Topping
Robert Noris
Robert noris Jr.
oliver noris
Mr. Ebenezer white
Elnath white
Lift Coll Henry Peirson
John Peirson
David Peirson
Theophilus Person
Abraham Peirson
Josiah Peirson
Bennony flint
John fflint
John morehouse
John morehouse Jr.
Peter noris
Lift Thehopilus Howell
Theoph. Howell Jr.
Cilley Howell
Theoder Peirson
Theoder Peirson
John Stanbrough
John Stanbrough Jr.
Daniel Sayre Jr.
Daniell Sayre terts
Dan Burnot
Ichabod Burnot
Dan Burnot Jr.
The numbr of male Christians: 389
O’Callaghan, E. B., The Documentary History of the State of New York, Vol. 1, (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., Public Printers, 1850) pp. 437-447.
More information about Long Island’s history can be found in the books:
The Early History of Southampton, Long Island, New York