Southampton, New York, white females, 1698

A List of Ye Inhabitants of Ye Towne of Southampton Old and Yong Christians and Hethen ffreemen and Servants White and Black Anno 1698


Ann Peirkins
Hannah Haines
Lidia Haines
mary Haines
mary Shaw
Susanah Shaw
Jeane Shaw
Sarah Clark
mary Clark
Ester Clark
Sarah Clark
mary Scott
Sarah Haris
Eunice Haris
mary Davis
Mary lupton
mary lupton
Hanah luptons
abigaill luptons
Abigaill Rose
Hanah Rose
Abigaile Rose Jr.
Sarah Rose
Hanah Rose
martha Bose
debro Rose
Hanah Jager
Sarah Jager
Hanah Jager
Elizabeth Davis
mahitable Davis
mary Erle
Mary Cooper
Sarah Cooper
mary Cooper Jr.
Elisabeth Cooper
Elisabeth Cooper Jr.
Jerash Cooper
Phebe Cooper
Elisabeth Cooper Jr.
Johana Cooper
mahitable Cooper
mary Culver
mary Culver Jr.
Rachell Reeves
Lidia Bishop
abigaile Bishop
marey Bishop
Eunis Bishop
Sarah Poast
mary Poast
mary Poast Jr.
Patience Sayere
mary Davis
Sarah Sayre
mary Sayre
mary Sayre
An Halsey
Abigaile Reeves
Elisabeth gilbord
Cethia Gilbord
mary Gilbord
Hanah sayre
mary Bishop
Susanah Bishope
Susanah Bishop Jr.
Sarah Bishop
mary Bishop
Patience Barns
Sarah barns
ann Woolly
Ann Woolly
Elisabeth woolly
Hanah woolly
Phebe woolly
mary woolly
Hanah Travely
Susanah Beswik
Ruth bower
mahitabell Bower
Sarah Erle
Sarah ffoster
Phebe foster
Hanah foster
Hanah foster
Hanah foster
Hana ffoster
Hanah Hildrith
Hanah woodrufe
Sarah woodrufe
Hanah Woodrufe
abigaile woodrufe
Elisabeth Woodrufe
Ellisabeth Butler
martha Buler
Sarah Butler
Amy butler
mary butler
mary Rogers
mary Roger Jr.
mary rogers ter
Sary Roegers
debro Rogers
Patience Rogers
mary Peirson
Rebeika Parvin
Elisabeth Steevens
Phebe Steephens
Susanah Stevens
Susana willman
hanah willmans
Elisbeth willmans
mahitable Herick
Ireniah Hericke
Phebe Hericke
mahitable Herick
Martha Herick
Debro Toping
Hanah Reeves
Temprance wick
Temprance Wick
Lidia Howell
Bothia Howell
ffreelove Howell
Elisabeth ware
Elisabeth Jesup
mary Jesup
Hanah Jessup
martha Davis
Sarah Jessup
mary Howell
mary Howell
Ireniah Roggers
mindwell Erle
Mrs. mary Howell
Sibell Howell
Elisabeth Simpkins
Johanah Howell
Abigaile ffoster
Sarah ffoster
mahitable foster
Damary ffoster
Ellisabeth Howell
Dorkis Howell
Sary Howell
Sarah Howell
abigaile Howell
Elisabeth goodale
Sarah Rayner
debrah Rayner
Hanah Rayner
Sarah ffeild
mary Halsey
mahitable Halsey
mary Halsey
Sarah minthorn
Mrs. Susanah Howell
Prudence Howell
Hanah Howell
mahite Howell
martha Howell
mary fordham
mary fordham Jr.
mary fordham 3rd
Phebe fordam
Allath fordham
Deborah Whiting
Renecca Whiting
Hanah whiting
Elisabeth whiting
Susannah Maltbey
Susanah Sayre
Ester fordham
Hanah fordham
Ruth White
Sarah white
mary Halsey
Elisabeth Halsey
Pheby Halsey
Hanah Erle
mary Poast
Sarah Poast
Dorithee Post
martha Poast
Debborah Poast
Ester Johnes
Phebe Johnes
Mrs. Mary Howell
Eunis Howell
Jerusha Howell
Hanah Jager
Lidia Jagger
Hanah Melvine
Margret Hilyard
mary Howell
Mistris anning
Hanah Clark
Pheebe Clark
Hanah Rounsifield
Martha Rounsifield
Abigaill wilson
Hanah Howell
Sarah Howell
Hanah Howell
Judith Howell
Ann Howell
Grisill Howell
Amy Halsey
Hulda Erle
Ellisabeth Halsey
Debro Halsey
mary Ranr
Phebe Raynr
Hanah Raynr
Sarah Sayre
Sarah Sayre
Damorus Sayre
Phebe Burnatt
Lidia foster
Elisabeth white
Debro foster
Zeruiah foster
Annah Halsey
Hanah Howell
Zerusah Howell
mary Howell
Temprance Halsey
Sarah Halsey
Temprance Halsey
abigaile Halsey
martha foster
Bothy foster
martha foster
Sarah foster
Rachell Ludlom
Jane Ludlom
Abigaile ludlom
Rachell Ludlom Jr.
ffrances Cooke
ffrances Cooke Jr.
Hanah Rose
Hanah Rose
Sarah Hericke
Elisabeth Burnot
Elisabeth Burnott
Hanah Burnot
Mary Parker
Ester Rose
Hanah Halsey
Hanah Halsey
Prudence Halsey
Patience Ludlom
Patience Ludlom
Phebe Rogers
Phebe Rogers
Sarah Haines
Sarah Haines
Sarah nichill
Elisabeth Cook
Susanah Cook
Hanah Shaw
Elisabeth Cook
martha Cook
Hanah Lupton
Hanah Lupton
Lidia Lupton
mary laughton
Hanah Lome
Abigaile Lome
Hanah Loome
Johanah nuton
Johanah nuton
Ester leeming
Hanah Cooper
Sarah taping
Sarah more
Elisabeth more
Sarah more Jr.
mary more
Hanah Sayre
Damones Howell
Elliner Howell
Penellopie Howell
abiecah Howell
mary Tarbill
mary tarbill
mary haris
mary haris
Deborah Hildrith
Deborah Hildrith
Hanah Sanford
Hanah Sanford
Elisabeth nuton
Phebe nuton
annah Halsey
annah Halsey
Johanah Resco
mary barbur
deliverance priest
mary barbur
mary Strickland
Mary hand
Abigaile wade
Sarah Stanbrough
Ollive Stanbrough
mary Willmott
Sarah Wickham
mary Topping
mary Baylee
Hannah Topping
Hanah Toping
Temprance Toping
martha huse
Hanah noris
Hanah noris
mary noris
Sarah noris
hanah leeming
mrs mahitable white
Elisabeth langton
mrs Susanah Pierson
Abigaile toping
Hanah Peirson
Sarah Peirson
mary flint
mary flint
Hanah flintt
Sarah noris
Hanah noris
Elisabeth noris
Debro Howell
Phebee Howell
hanah noris
ffrances Peirson
Ann Peirson
martha Stanbrough
martha Stanbrough
Sarah Sayre
Hanah Sayre
Sarah Sayre
Abigaile burnot

feamale Christians: 349

O’Callaghan, E. B., The Documentary History of the State of New York, Vol. 1, (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., Public Printers, 1850) pp. 437-447.

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