Notable Ancestors, Surnames beginning with the letter B

If any of these names appear on your family tree as a direct ancestor, you may be eligible to join the society listed after their name. This list is not exhaustive and is suggested as a starting place, you may be eligible for membership in more than one society based on descent from a single ancestor, and there are many more societies not listed here.

Henry Bagwell – Jamestowne Society
Henry Bagwell – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Thomas Bagwell – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Arthur Bailey – Jamestowne Society
John Bailey – Jamestowne Society
Mary Bailey – Jamestowne Society
Temperance Bailey – Jamestowne Society
William Baker – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
John Baldwin – Jamestowne Society
William Ball – Jamestowne Society
Thomas Ballard – Jamestowne Society
Thomas Ballard – Jamestowne Society
William Barber – Jamestowne Society
Charles Barham – Jamestowne Society
John Barker – Jamestowne Society
Edward Barkham – Jamestowne Society
William Barne – Jamestowne Society
John Barnum – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
John Baskerville – Jamestowne Society
Nathaniel Basse – Jamestowne Society
John Bates – Jamestowne Society
John Battaile – Jamestowne Society
Henry Batte – Jamestowne Society
John Batte – Jamestowne Society
William Bayley – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Thomas Baywell – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Thomas Beale – Jamestowne Society
Richard Beckley – Founders of the New Haven Colony
William Beckwith – Jamestowne Society
Mary Beheathland – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Robert Beheathland – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Robert Beheathland – Jamestowne Society
Humphrey Belt – Jamestowne Society
John Benham – Founders of the New Haven Colony
Alice Bennett – Jamestowne Society
Edward Bennett – Jamestowne Society
Thomas Bennett – Jamestowne Society
Richard Bennett – Jamestowne Society
Samuel Bennett – Jamestowne Society
William Bennett – Jamestowne Society
Theophilus Beriston – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Robert Beverley – Jamestowne Society
Thomas Beverley – Jamestowne Society
Richard Biggs – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk d. 1220 – The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Hugh Bigod, The Earl of Norfolk’s heir d. 1225 – The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
John Billington – The Society of Mayflower Descendants
Richard Birchett – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Archibald Blair – Jamestowne Society
John Bland – Jamestowne Society
Theodorick Bland – Jamestowne Society
John Blore (Blower) – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Henry De Bohun, Earl of Hereford d. 1220 – The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Robert Bolling – Jamestowne Society
Reynold Booth – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Robert Booth – Jamestowne Society
Daniel Boucher – Jamestowne Society
Mary Bouldin(g) – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Thomas Bouldinge – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
William Bouldin – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Richard Boulton – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Thomas Bowler – Jamestowne Society
John Boxe – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Jarvis Boykin – Founders of the New Haven Colony
Cheney Boyce – Jamestowne Society
Cheney Boyse – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Robert Bracewell – Jamestowne Society
William Bradford – The Society of Mayflower Descendants
Christopher Branch – Jamestowne Society
Christopher Branch, Sr. – Jamestowne Society
John Brewer – Jamestowne Society
John Brewer – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Richard Brewster – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
William Brewster – Jamestowne Society
William Brewster – The Society of Mayflower Descendants
Joseph Bridger – Jamestowne Society
William Briscoe – Jamestowne Society
William Brodnax – Jamestowne Society
Henry Browne – Jamestowne Society
Peter Browne – The Society of Mayflower Descendants
William Browning – Founders of the New Haven Colony
Richard Buck – Jamestowne Society
Rev. Richard Buck – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
William Buckner – Jamestowne Society
John Budd – Founders of the New Haven Colony
Hugh Bullock – Jamestowne Society
William Burditt – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
John Burrows – Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
Edward Burwell – Jamestowne Society
Lewis Burwell – Jamestowne Society
John Bush – Jamestowne Society
William Byrd – Jamestowne Society

4 Responses to Notable Ancestors, Surnames beginning with the letter B

  1. Roberta Kogut says:

    Capt. Robert Beheathland is my granddaughter’s 11th GGrandfather. Do any images of him exsist?

    • admin says:

      There are no extant images of Robert Beheathland that I am aware of. The wonderful account of his adventures in Virginia on the blog Stumbling in the Shadow of Giants gives us some idea that Robert may have been a little too busy to sit for a portrait even if Jamestown had a painter or engraver in their midst. The best opportunity then for him to have his portrait recorded for posterity would have been upon his return to England c. 1620. Simon van de Passe was then in London and had made the now famous engravings of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith a few years earlier, but a quick search of de Passe’s known works did not turn up a portrait of Robert Beheathland.
      If you have not already done so, I would suggest contacting the Jamestown Society. Do let us know how your search progresses.

  2. Anitra J Kinison says:

    Why aren’t Daniel Boone and Squire Boone Jr on this list? They are what I’d consider Notable Ancestors. Squire Boone Jr is my 7th great grandfather. Kind of disappointed not seeing either of their names, their family was an important part of our history.

    • genealogy-quest says:

      You are quite right, Daniel Boone and Squire Boone Jr are important to this nation’s history. These pages were not intended to be a definitive list of who was notable and who was not, but they were compiled to show lineage society membership possibilities. While there is a Boone Society, it is not a lineage society (being open to all who wish to pay dues rather than only the direct descendants of these brave men).

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